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Crustose Coralline Algae

澎葉生 Yannick DAUBY

2021/14 min. / 錄像video art

長期持續田野採集自然聲音的法籍藝術家澎葉生Yannick DAUBY,帶來頗富詩意的錄像作品《藻礁》,他虛構了一個科學研究的敘事,以並透過水下錄音器收錄人耳聽不到的聲音。人耳聽不到的聲音,我們如何證明它的存在,藉此隱喻生物(生命)存在的意義,思考人與自然的關係。


French artist Yannick DAUBY who has been collecting natural sounds in the field for a long time. He brings us a poetic video work "Crustose Coralline Algae". He fabricated a scientific research narrative to record inaudible sounds through underwater sound recorders. How do we prove the existence of a voice that is inaudible to human ears, thereby there is a metaphor for the meaning of biological existence, and thinking about the relationship between human and nature.


《Crustose Coralline Algae藻礁》作品計畫自2020年開始,收錄桃園當地企業將污水直接排入海洋的影像紀錄,並搭配聲音藝術家張惠笙的話音。使用使用數位和類比相機、Redscale 35mm 底片、水聽器(水下麥克風)、受波器、電容式麥克風等器材製作。


The synopsis of the story could be : 2031, two scientists share their view about a deceased entity found in Taoyuan, Taiwan.

 “Crustose Coralline Algae” is a short film by Yannick Dauby, based on image and sounds recorded in Taoyuan, Taiwan, using digital and analogue camera, redscale 35mm film, hydrophone, geophone and condenser microphones. It includes the video documentation of polluted water dumped straight into the ocean by local industry and the voice of Alice Hui-Sheng Chang. This project was initiated during the event Lab Kill Lab, curated by Chang She Lea, at C-Lab in Taipei, Taiwan, 2020.

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