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消失的聲音〔  〕  /  Disappearing Sound〔  〕



Curator : Pu-Teng Chang


臺東美術館大文創教室  戶外廣場

我們該如何思考和探索那些自然存在而不被聽見、在當代社會中被忽略的沈默、或是在歷史中已被埋藏的聲音?展覽帶領觀眾去聆聽那些此時此刻,已消失的人、消失的事、消失的風景。並以空白括弧〔  〕讓觀眾自己填空,想像聲音從何時、何種方式逐漸消失,我們又要如何將它找回來。

How can we think about and explore the silences that exist naturally without being heard, the silences that are ignored in contemporary society, or the voices that have been buried in history? This exhibition leads the audience to listen to the people who have disappeared, the things that have disappeared, and the landscapes that have disappeared at this moment. And let the audience fill in the blanks to imagine when and how the sound gradually disappeared, and how we can get it back.

美國作曲家波琳.奧利維洛(Pauline Oliveros)解釋到:「聽,是帶來感知的物理現象,聆聽則是留意到被感知的東西」。聆聽是聽覺的也是心理的,所以包含了環境的聲音、記憶的聲音、夢中的聲音,甚至是想像或是創造出來的聲音,超越了單一感官的身體感受。

American composer Pauline Oliveros explained: "Listening is the physical phenomenon that brings about perception, listening is noticing what is perceived". Listening is both auditory and psychological, so it includes the sound of the environment, the sound of memory, the sound of dreams, and even the sound of imagination or creation.


People felt isolated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sound is the most soothing medium at this time. Fortunately, we can hug and feel each other's warmth through sound. So in the post-epidemic era, how should we understand sound and understand the essence of its existence? 

本展覽邀請了六組共七位藝術家的作品,來探索消失的聲音裡的那個空白〔  〕,這個遺失的空白邀請大家一起來填空想像。

This exhibition invites the works of seven artists to exploring the void in the disappearing sound. And we invite everyone to fill in this missing blank.

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